Saturday, February 13, 2010

ICSE has deciced to do away with Environmental Education as a subject from the session 2013. This step is most welcome as this subject was only an additional burden for students who are already buckling under pressure. The stipulated two periods per week assigned for this never proved to be sufficient considering the extensive expanse of the syllbi, especially in senior classes. Most students found it difficult to comprehend the technical jargon and therefore lost interest. Since conservation of environment is an issue which requires immediate attention, the main objective of the subject should have been to awaken in the students an active desire to participate in such endeavours. Instead, embroiling them in the nitty-gritties of verbose textual matter was a wrong beginning. They should be asked to participate in various activities like tree plantation, nature walks, cleaning up the environment in and around the school premises. They should be made to realise the importance of conservation by handing over their text book sets to their juniors to be re-used instead of buying new sets. Exercise books should be collected and recycled to make paper. Such an initiative can be taken easily by the school management.This will help to make responsible citizens and a new generation which is aware of it's responsibilities towards creating a cleaner environment. So the need of the hour is to take immediate steps and not preach through books. "A stitch in time saves nine''.Saving of paper will save our trees.

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