Friday, March 5, 2010

It has been a while.......and life is not really sailing on smooth seas. But all said and done it has some good moments too. Sometimes your faith that goodness still exists in human kind is reaffirmed. My trip to Bombay was not under the most ideal circumstances but i managed to snatch a few brief moments for myself. On paying my regular visit to ''Crossword'' in Kemps corner, i was pleasantly surprised to see children having the run of the place. One could see them in every nook and cranny exploring books while parents clucked over them like mother hens. Very heartening to see them doing something other than watching T.V. and playing video-games. Going to book-stores is always on my to-do list, no matter where i am.
Another attraction was the ''Hobby Ideas'' store adjacent to the book store where a number of creative ideas have been given shape. Hand puppets, moulds, tampera paints, modelling clay etc. You name it they have it. Manifestation of ideas to encourage unbridled ceativity for kids and adults alike. It was a pleasure looking at so much colour and craft in one place.
But the Bombay traffic was a real killer and pollution was at an all-time high.
People looked high strung and flared up easily (witnessed some cases of road rage). But amidst all this one could still see the thread of compassion and resilience that runs through the Mumbai people. Always willing to lend a helping hand. And the famous never 'say die spirit' still going strong and still intact despite several attempts by undesirable elements to break it. God bless them!

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